Promotion of Health Management

Extended healthy life expectancy, the era of 100-year lifespans is approaching. Business operators are expected to rebuild the economic and social system based on the concept of people being active throughout their lives.
In response to the changes of the times, PARK24 GROUP has been improving its working environments to ensure that employees from diverse generations can retire in good health both mentally and physically.
Taking the position that emphasizing the health of employees and their family members will become more important within the Group’s management challenges, we have decided that it is essential for the Group as a whole to adopt the concept of health and productivity management enhancement.

Health Management Declaration

Under the Group philosophy of “creating new forms of comfort and convenience by responding to the needs of today and anticipating the needs of tomorrow,” PARK24 GROUP is striving to establish a working environment in which each employee can develop extensive experience, improve their expertise and demonstrate their capabilities. As part of these efforts, we will provide employees and their family members with an environment in which they can maintain and improve their health.
Through measures aimed at maintaining and improving their health, we aim to ensure that each employee is energetically engaged in operations with a satisfying mindset while maintaining high productivity. In addition, we will comply with laws and regulations related to employees’ health and safety, and facilitate the creation of a comfortable workplace environment by highlighting the health of employees and their family members as one of the Group’s important management challenges.

March, 2020


Under the leadership of the Chief Health Officer, we have established a system to promote health management centered on the Health Management Promotion Council (established in 2023), in which each Group company and business unit participates. The Health Management Promotion Council also collaborates with the Health Committee of each company and business unit, and the Health and Productivity Management & Employee Benefit Team, which serves as the Health Management Promotion Administration Office, is staffed by in-house public health nurses and psychologists, who are involved in the health and productivity management measures from planning to execution.
In addition to collaborating with the health insurance union to implement Collaborative Health (*1), we also hold regular discussions with employee representatives to promote health management.

*1 Collaborative health means that insurers and business enterprises actively collaborate to efficiently and effectively implement prevention and health promotion for their members under a clear division of roles and a favorable work environment.

Target figures

To ensure raising health awareness and the reduction of the number of employees who are at risk for health problems, we have set target figures for the following items, which we recognize as particular issues, and are implementing measures. The target figures are set to exceed the national average under the supervision of the Group's Corporate Occupational Health Manager, and are updated according to progress. Furthermore, these target figures are also incorporated into the Group’s medium- to long-term sustainability goals set in 2021.

    <Target figures for 2024>

  1. 1)Enhancement of health awareness
    • (i) Ratio of employees who attend health education lectures each year : 100%
    • (ii) Number of participants in safety and health-related events each year: over 5,000 in total
  2. 2)Minimization of the number of employees with health risks
    • (i) Ratio of employees who have detailed examinations: over 75%
    • (ii) Rate of employees in Japan who smoke across the Group: less than 20%
    • (iii) Ratio of female employees who have checkups for cancer unique to females (breast cancer and uterine cancer): over 60%

With regards to the Group's health management, some measures are designed to cover a wide range of employees and their families. However, unless otherwise indicated, data is compiled for employees covered by employee health insurance who work at business locations in Japan, as "persons subject to health management”.

Progress of Initiatives to Achieve Targets

  1. Raising awareness of health issues

    Based on the belief that improving health awareness is the bane of everyone's life, the PARK24 GROUP conducts health education and health events not only for employees subject to health management, but also for all employees at domestic and overseas business sites, including those who work shorter hours.

    1. (1)

      Webinars and educational videos are distributed on an on-demand basis and we are developing an environment where employees working in many different ways can easily take the courses. Specialists within and outside the company provide educational content based on various themes throughout the year so that more employees will be interested in participating. ​
      As health topics were added to the in-house training program that all employees are required to participate in, the health education participation rate dramatically rose in 2023 from 27.6% in the previous year to 94.8%. We believe that promoting health literacy of all employees, irrespective of the types of employment, is important in improving employees' health throughout the PARK24 GROUP.

      <Health education theme examples in 2023>

      • Health and productivity management for managerial-level employees
      • Women's health issues
      • Mindfulness meditation
      • Emotional labor and mental health
      • Improvement of sleep habits
      • Fall prevention, locomotive syndrome prevention, etc.
      【Locomotive Syndrome Prevention Online Seminars】
    2. (2)

      To support employees take the step toward healthier lifestyle, we hold various health and safety events. These events are fun and easy for all to participate and are crafted to motivate participants to make healthier choices, such as eating healthy and exercising regularly.
      Online gym lessons and Nutrition Education Marche have also been made accessible to employees’ families at home.

      <Health and safety event examples in 2023>

      • Online walking events (held three times a year)​
      • Gym lessons (e.g. boxercise, yoga)
      • Nutrition Education Marche (nutrition education and assistance in purchasing vegetables directly from producers under the supervision of a nutritionist)
      • In-office body stretch and massage (15-minute body maintenance lesson by a physical trainer)​
      • Influenza vaccination in the workplace (collaboration with Tokyo Real Estate Industry Health Insurance Association), etc.
      【Effects of the in-office body stretch and massage​】
      A massage bed was placed in an office space. During work hours, a physical trainer provided individual body maintenance guidance in 15 minute sessions. The trainer gave advice on stretching to alleviate ails such as shoulder stiffness and lower back pain and on exercising. The participant satisfaction score was 9.4 on a ten-point scale, and 94.0% of participants said they would like to keep participating in the company’s safety and health events.​
  2. Reduce the number of health risk individuals
    1. (1) To identify employees who are at risk of health problems, the results of medical checkups are evaluated by occupational physicians and other specialists, and high-risk employees are encouraged to undergo further medical examinations. In 2023, we added statement to the company's work regulations making reexaminations and detailed examinations mandatory in principle when the need is indicated in the medical check-ups, and allowing employees to take these examinations during work hours. Examination fees are partly paid by the company. As a result, 76.2% of eligible employees took a thorough examination in 2023, a significant increase versus the previous year’s 29.4%.
    2. (2) Employees attempting to stop smoking are provided with cessation support using nicotine patches and a smoking cessation program that includes cessation guidance. We have two non-smoking months a year, in June and December. Smoking rooms are closed during work hours and passive smoking prevention seminars are held to support smoking cessation on a work environment basis.
    3. (3) In order to promote the early detection and treatment of cancer specific to women, we have implemented measures to support women's health, including health education and the establishment of a consultation service by female specialists.
    During the Non-Smoking Month, posters were put up in the offices and the smoking rooms were closed.

Major measures taken for further maintenance and promotion of health

  1. 1)We have a point of contact in place so that our in-house public health nurse and psychologist can provide advice on health. They endeavor to identify any physical or mental health issues impacting employees at an early stage so they can facilitate proper action in the workplace and treatment. The point of contact is made a safe place for employees to seek advice as consultations are kept confidential unless otherwise approved by the person consulting. The nurses and psychologists provide flexible and meticulous support in a way that only in-house specialists can. Topics range widely, including managing medical condition at workplace, menopausal disorder, PMS (premenstrual syndrome) and consultations sought by managers regarding how to support workers with health issues. In addition, our in-house nurse and psychologist not only receive consultation requests but also actively contact high-risk employees and visit our local offices. They are involved in a total of about 500 consultations annually.
  2. 2)A stress check is provided to all employees including to overseas expat and employees of offices with fewer than 50 staff members. Consultation with an occupational physician and in-house psychologist are provided for employees who are highly stressed. The anonymized and statistically-processed stress check data is reported to the company officers and managers for workplace improvement. To promote healthy workplace, we support managers by providing them with workplace improvement training and guidance from the in-house psychologists.
  3. 3)Since 2023, we have partnered with an online medical care service to help alleviate health issues which may affect worker productivity, such as eyestrain, hay fever, PMS. By using the online medical care service, our employees can receive doctor’s care and prescribed drugs while at home or at work, and they can also get discount as the company pays a part of the cost.
  4. 4)As part of our occupational health and safety initiatives, our in-house public health nurses regularly attend local health committee meetings to provide information on seasonal health-related topics, and we are working to revitalize the health committee meetings. During workplace inspections by health managers at each workplace, checklists that include risk items unique to the workplace are used to detect hazards at an early stage.
  5. 5)We actively create opportunities to talk to our business partners about health and productivity management. We provide employee health education materials, such as on better sleep habit and heat stroke prevention, to our partners upon request. To date, we have provided such educational materials to over 100 partner companies.

Effects of Health and Productivity Management

As indicators of the effectiveness of health management , we monitor the health education participation rate, work engagement, and productivity. For the measurement of work engagement and presenteeism in FY2023, we surveyed 6,102 individuals, including employee health insurance enrollees working at domestic establishments and those posted abroad, of whom 5,782 responded ( 94.8%).*1

  1. *1For work engagement, we use a common measurement method of averaging the value of “pride in work” and “vitality” in the The New Brief Job Stress Questionnaire (the most favorable value is 4.0 and the least is 1.0). Presenteeism is a condition in which employees are at work but their performance is reduced due to illness or injury. For presenteeism, we use the five-point rating index by Humanage, Inc., in which being rated 3 is considered to be at the national average level (the most favorable rating is 5 and the least is 1).

Health Indicators​

Unit 2021 2022 2023
Health education participation rate 23.1 27.6 94.8
Total number of participants in safety and health events people 19,468 6,541 6,318
Regular medical checkup (consultation rate) 100.0 100.0 100.0
Regular medical checkup (detailed examination rate) 28.0 29.4 76.2
Regular medical checkup
(percentage of persons with related findings)
49.6 53.8 40.5
High-risk person control rate
(high blood pressure treatment rate)
81.3 *1 81.0 82.8
Smoking rate 30.7 *1 30.8 30.2
Breast cancer screening rate 65.0 82.6 82.6
Uterus cancer screening rate 72.4 63.6 66.4
Health guidance participation rate - 97.3 100.0
Stress check (consultation rate) 84.8 88.9 94.8
Stress check (parcentage of highly stressed persons) 11.1 11.5 11.7
Average working hours excessive of prescribed hours hours 7 11 13
Work engagement - 2.42 2.43 2.48
Presenteeism (on a five-point scale) - 3 3 3
(leave of absence due to personal injury or illness)
days 1.70 1.75 1.81
Lost time injury frequency rate - - - 0.54
  1. *1Only the employees aged 40 or older insured by Tokyo Real Estate Industry Health Insurance Association are counted for in 2021 smoking rate.

Recognition as a Certified Health & Productivity Management Organization​

In recognition of the PARK24 GROUP's health and productivity management efforts, seven companies of the group including PARK24 CO., LTD. have been certified as Health & Productivity Management Organizations in 2024 (White 500).


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