Human Resource Strategy
Basic Approach
We believe that our employees are corporate capital (human capital). We believe that employee growth and corporate growth are interrelated and that we can improve our sustainable corporate value by realizing both. This is why we established “promotion of active participation of diverse human resources essential for corporate growth” in December 2021 as one of our Materiality. As the strength of our employees is needed to promote expansion and seamlessly connect the four networks (people, cars, communities, and parking facilities) in our medium-term business strategy, we established the PARK24 GROUP Human Resource Strategy in coordination with our medium-term business strategy. We believe that maximizing our human capital in the human resource strategy established based on our business strategy will allow us to realize sustainable business growth and new value creation, which will in turn allow us to achieve our medium-term business strategy and contribute to an improvement in our sustainable corporate value.

PARK24 GROUP Human Resource Strategy

In our human resource strategy, we seek to maximize human capital by increasing engagement with employees while also creating a group of diverse human resource, with developing human resource and strengthening the organization as two central pillars. We will continue to work towards achieving our Group Philosophy: to create new forms of comfort and convenience by responding to the needs of today and anticipating the needs of tomorrow. We will work to develop diverse human resources, promote their active participation, and establish an environment where each person can fully demonstrate his or her abilities so that every employee can work with a sense of fulfillment and vibrance.

Conducting employee awareness surveys
We conduct employee awareness surveys (career engagement surveys) annually to increase employee engagement. The results of these survey are reported to the Director and other management and are used for measures to improve engagement. The PARK24 GROUP aims to create an attractive organization and environment that allows each employee to be highly motivated towards realizing our philosophy and to fully demonstrate their abilities as much as possible.