IR News

【PARK24 Co., Ltd. 】Notice of Finalization of Details of Issue of Stock Options (Stock Acquisition Rights)

 PARK 24 Co., Ltd. (hereinafter the 'Company') announces that the details of the issue of stock acquisition rights (hereinafter the 'stock acquisition rights') to be issued to directors, corporate auditors and employees of the Company and the Company's subsidiaries as stock options based on the resolution of the meeting of the Company's Board of Directors held on June 18, 2009, have today been determined as follows


Parties eligible for the issuing of stock acquisition rights, their number, and the number of allotted stock acquisition rights


A total of 1,800 stock acquisition rights shall be allotted to two directors of the Company.
A total of 140 stock acquisition rights shall be allotted to three corporate auditors of the Company.
A total of 8,935 stock acquisition rights shall be allotted to 134 employees of the Company. 
A total of 470 stock acquisition rights shall be allotted to 16 directors, corporate auditors and employees of the Company's subsidiaries.



Type and number of shares subject to stock acquisition rights


 The type of shares subject to the stock acquisition rights shall be common shares of the Company, and the number of shares subject to each stock acquisition right shall be 100 shares. (The initial ceiling for shares subject to all stock acquisition rights shall be 1,134,500 shares)



Total number of stock acquisition rights





Value of assets contributed for the exercise of stock acquisition rights


 88,800 yen for each stock acquisition right (888 yen for each share)

(Note) The above amount is obtained by multiplying the average of the closing prices of the Company's common shares traded on a regular basis on the Tokyo Stock Exchange on days of the month prior to the month in which the allotment date for the stock acquisition rights (July 8, 2009) falls (excluding days on which no regular transaction takes place) by 1.03, and multiplying the result of such calculation, with fractions of less than one yen that result from such calculation rounded up to the nearest one yen, by the number of shares subject to each stock acquisition right.


*Other main points for the issuing of stock acquisition rights besides those set forth above (including terms for adjustment after the allotment date with respect to 2 and 4 above) are notified in the Notice of Granting of Stock Options (Stock Acquisition Rights) dated June 18, 2009.